Here’s How It Works: After you have purchased a package, we will email you for the link(s) to the songs on your Soundcloud page that you would like to have promoted. Once we have your information, we will then enter your order into our system. It usually takes 12-24 hours for your order to cycle into the system. Once your campaign launches, your songs are then promoted across Universal’s private network of over 10 million confirmed and validated music fans that are strategically targeted based on the type of music that you have sent us. We promote your Soundcloud song(s) until your campaign has filled all of the necessary requirements that are in the promo package you ordered. Usually, it takes about 24-72 hours to complete your campaign. Larger packages may require extra time

    • Universal Music Group’s Private Network: We have access to the largest network of fans in the entire world because of our own direct business relationship with Universal Music Group. With access to over 10 million fans who have all been confirmed to have purchased music before, we are the only company who has the actual ability to build a real fan base that will pay off in the short term AND the long term.


Labels Seek Artists With Solid Fan Bases

    • A&Rs at major labels only want artists with a strong social media presence whose fan base they can tap into and hopefully generate revenue from. When your numbers are strong on Soundcloud, it’s simply one more piece of proof to A&Rs that you are not only buzzing, but also have the fan base that will produce enough revenue to make a label’s investment worth it. You can have all the hit records in the world uploaded on Soundcloud but it means absolutely nothing if nobody hears them.


  • The harsh reality is that because it’s free to upload your music to Soundcloud, this social media platform is already over-saturated as well. Blindly spamming your links across social media networks not only cheapens your brand, but also is completely ineffective. We are able to pinpoint the exact type of fans who are looking for music specific to the type of music you are creating. Assuming your material is good, these fans will most definitely have a higher chance of spreading your music around by word of mouth. This is how artists get huge exposure, go viral, and eventually catch the eye of the A&Rs at labels who have the power to reach out and inevitably sign you to a deal.